Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Jail always seems to get in the way

Once in a while a heavyweight fighter comes along that captures your imagination. You believe he is going to be the best in the world, people will fear him, he will be respected. We haven't had that prospect since Ike Ibeabuchi. Ike was built like a heavyweight and had the punch to back it up. He handed David Tua and Chris Byrd their fist defeats and made a name for himself in doing so. He was on his way to becoming the best in the world until he was sentenced for five to 30 years of hardtime in Lovelock Correctional Center in northern Nevada for attempted sexual assault and battery with intent to commit a crime. With a profession that encourages violence, Ibeabuchi did not know how to separate his professional and personal life. This is just another story of what could have been.


Ton said...

Damn that was nice. It's like the prototypical 'Rocky' punch when they show it in slo-mo. Great clip.

Paul said...

boxing sucks! I hate you